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Everest Caspian

District 7

Everest spent her whole life dreaming of making her family proud. Everyone in her family was extremely wealthy. Her father was the mayor, her mother had the fanciest clothing shop in the district, and her sisters were great at modelling. Everest was never really into that stuff though. She knew that one day, her time would come.

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Everest Caspian: About
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Everest's reaping


At the reaping, something told Everest to volunteer. She just had to.
She said, “I volunteer!”
Everyone was mind-blown but she casually walked to the stage with a smile on her face. She knew that being a victor was her legacy. She was going to make her family and district so proud.

Everest Caspian: Image

Everest's moodboard

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Everest Caspian: Image
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