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Blaze Hawkshire

District 12

Blaze was born in District 12, a district know for mining. She became very physically capable and durable as a result of the work she did, and developed great skill with wielding a knife.

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Blaze Hawkshire: About

Blaze's reaping


The Hunger Games season always begins with the reaping. Blaze knew it was a special occasion so she dressed up in her finest outfit. It wasn’t long before she was making her way to town square with her family. Blaze made her way to the line. One by one they pricked the citizens fingers. Blaze was use to the pricking. In fact this year, she didn’t even flinch or cry like she did the first year. She found her way over to her section.

Blaze’s name had gone into the reaping 7 times because she was eighteen. Plus an additional 3 for receiving tesserae. Blaze wasn’t worried. There was no way she was going to get reaped. She has a friend who has their name in there sixty times. Blaze watched as the escort walked out in a bright pink, purple, and blue peacock dress. Blaze eyes looked to the escorts hat. Blaze was hundred percent sure the escort had a real life peacock on her head. Everything goes by in blur.

“Mimo Peacepetal,” the escort called out. Blaze heart sank. She knew Mimo. She watched as Mimo pushed through the crowd. This was horrible. Mimo’s family would never survive without her. Mimo’s mom was unable to work, her father was dead, and her siblings were still in school.

Before Blaze could even realize what she was doing she called out, “I volunteer as tribute.”

It wasn’t until she was out of public eye that the events of what just happened hit her and she let out a small sob.

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Blaze Hawkshire: Image

Blaze's moodboard

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Blaze Hawkshire: Image
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