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"Welcome. Tributes, we welcome you."

President Snow

Tribute Parade: Quote

This year, tributes' stylists were assigned a flower and corresponding colour to gather inspiration from and incorporate into their tribute's outfits.

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Tribute Parade: Text

Amethyst Valor

Amethyst is in the first chariot to take off, and the cheering is instant. She hears many people calling her name; she is from District 1 after all. She shouts back to them, smiling and waving, showing her appreciation for their cheers. At one point, she hops up and sits on the edge of the chariot, hoping to stand out from the other tributes. She tries her best to stand out while also not doing anything too reckless.

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Tribute Parade: Welcome

Kingston Lightwood

Kingston was all dressed up and ready to start the parade. He just wanted this thing over with. He never wore bright colors. Black and blue were his signature colors. The purple makes him roll his eyes in disgust. He boarded the chariot and fixed up the suit one last time before the chariot started to move. Since he’s from District 1 he had to make a good impression, since he was the first chariot to be seen. He waved and smiled and pretended that he was having a good time. He blew kisses and winked at some of the women of the Capitol.

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Tribute Parade: Welcome
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Madison Rivers

Madison looked stunning in her burgundy dress, waving to the audience.

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Tribute Parade: Welcome

Jack Silva

Jack would never have guessed that morning was going to be his last. In fact, he was sure he was going to win the Games and go home to his boyfriend Artie, that he, unlike many of the tributes, didn’t even think about his potential death.

That morning had started anything but normally. He wasn’t used to the feeling of a team of stylists swarming around him, “correcting” every error they saw. He barely listened to anything they told him. Some would later say that was a fatal error. He was too busy thinking about the people of the Capitol and any future sponsors that might’ve been among them.

During the parade, he feels truly alive for the last time when he heard the crowd calling his name. But their attention had been captured by something else. Amethyst Valor in the chariot in front of him. He didn’t care if they were going to be allies. He needed to outshine her.

He took a deep breath and climbed on the back of one of the horses in front of him. He’d never ridden a horse before and it was exhilarating. The crowd roared in response.

Their cheers quickly turned into screams of terror. He was being bucked off. At last, he fell, landing hard on the ground, the wind knocked out of him.

“Oh god,” he cried, “oh god.” The horse would shortly trample on him. His last thoughts were of Artie, and he clutched the heart necklace his boyfriend had given him.

It was a swift but painful death.

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Tribute Parade: Welcome

Jack Silva will be replaced by Lacey Mayfair

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District 3

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Denver Grey

Denver was getting the last minute fixes to her makeup and outfit. She hated how much makeup she was wearing. Denver got on to the chariot and took her hair out of the original design it was supposed to be in and let her hair down and all of its wavy naturalness. Denver waved to the crowd but didn’t smile. She’d at least wave to get maybe a sponsor. Once they made their way to the end of the parade, she got more mad at how excited people got to see teenagers who would be dead in a couple weeks.

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Tribute Parade: Welcome

April Mist

April’s head did hurt; she just couldn't stand big crowds. She always got really anxious and ran away. But now she had no place to hide. She had to be brave for her aunt, so she calmed herself down and walked slow to the chariot. She saw Denver and April and suddenly knew she was not alone. As her prep team told her to get ready, she got into the chariot. April tried her best at keeping her chin up, her hair in position and not panicking. Her fingertips stroked her dress. It was a soft texture, reminded her of silk and was white or light blue, shining in the dim light. Her dress consisted of two parts; the silk part and the bodice, which was full of hydrangea blossoms. On her shoulder was what she thought was an ermine fur, though she wasn't 100% sure. The start signal came and April tried to look as confident and happy as she could. There were so many people! But luckily, she didn't even panic! She didn't wave or blow kisses, she just looked up and smiled, optimistic, something she has never been. She never saw the good in things, so the last thing left was hope. The other tributes looked stunning, shining in the most prettiest colours. And as she stood on the chariot and smiled, she felt pretty too.

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Tribute Parade: Welcome

District 4

Hope Ford and Alina Briggs

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Hope Ford

I’m standing next to my district partner, Alina, as our stylist is explaining stuff to us, but I keep looking around to see the other stylists and tributes. I don’t know why I feel so nervous as I look around. I begin to fidget with my fingers as we get on the chariots. As the horses bring us around I give a little wave to the crowd. I’m nervous at how many people there are. We arrive right in front of President Snow and I freeze in terror but I try to hide it. I keep looking at the huge crowd and wonder how in the world am I going to win this?

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Tribute Parade: Welcome

Alina Briggs

Alina was incredibly nervous, her hands couldn’t stop shaking. She was going to be presented in front of people that were betting on how long she lived, and she had to pretend to enjoy herself. It was absolutely sickening. Nevertheless, she stood close to Hope on the chariot and pressed a fake smile on her face as the chariot pulled across the avenue, blowing fake kisses to the audience.

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Tribute Parade: Welcome
Tribute Parade: Text

Ash Watt

Plucked, waxed, shaved, washed, and then dried. What felt like hours upon hours of this. Finally, his beauty crew looked at him in awe whispering to each other.

His makeup crew and stylist work hard on him and once they're finished they look back at him and sigh in admiration. “You look even more stunning!” One of them goes, with their high-pitched voice.

They all turn him around so he is looking at himself in the mirror. He can barely recognize himself. His hair is shiny and flowing. His eyes pop against the color of the bow tie. His makeup is lightweight but also very noticeable as it makes his lips colored and his cheekbones and jawline very curved and precise. “Thank you,” Ash tells them. 

He can feel eyes upon him as he walks to the chariot. He probably looked so badass and everyone knew it. Except for a girl from District 12. He can’t remember her name but she looked stunning. “Like what you see?” His stylist asks. 

He quickly glances away and shakes his head, “I have no idea what you’re talking about.”

She stares back and she whispers, “Blaze…” before she walks away.

The chariots begin to move. His hair blows in the breeze. He keeps his face straight and powerful, and as soon as he gets out, the screams of his name ring out, trying to get his attention. 

Once he’s off the chariot, his stylist comes and gives him a hug, “Well done! Well done!”

He can’t show weakness. Because he is not weak. He is strong. He walks over to the elevator. He plasters a smirk of satisfaction on his face.

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Tribute Parade: Welcome

November Boland

November stepped into the heels she was wearing for the parade. She loved the dress she was in. She was absolutely in love with the nail color they put on her. She’s never seen anything like it before. She stepped onto the chariot and took a deep breath. The horses started to move and she smiled. Once she was able to be seen by the crowd, she waved proudly, hoping she would do a good job at representing District 5.

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Tribute Parade: Welcome
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Corter Morlin

Corter feels confident for once in his life; he has never worn clothes as nice as these.

"Dressed to impress," his stylist says.

And he believes it.

As the chariot rolls out and the audience cheers for him, all the eyes on Corter make his confidence falter. He does his best to stay smiling and wave at the crowd. He reminds himself that he still looks good and should feel it.

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Tribute Parade: Welcome

Sage Pines

Sage was in the area with all the other tributes waiting to hop on their chariots. Her stylist was fixing up her makeup. Her stylist was using a makeup brush and Sage giggled as the feeling against her cheek tickled her. When Sage heard the bell ring to get on the chariot her heart began to beat out of her chest. Sage got on with her district partner and once they started to move she got her big smile on. Once the audience got into view she waved and still smiled big. She continues to wave and blow kisses to the people of the Capitol.

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Tribute Parade: Welcome
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